Thank you for being interested in my campaign for Blue Ash City Council. On November 22nd, the Board of Election reported that the difference between Lee Czerwonka and I was less the 1/2 of one percent. Therefore per law, the ballots had to be recounted by hand. The recount was held on December 1st. I observed the recount and commend the Hamilton county Board of Election for the transparency and professional manner it was conducted. The recount results appeared to change slightly at first, but then it was recounted a second time. Czerwonka won with 50.26%. Below is a chart of the vote by Precinct, the total difference was 15 votes. In elections like this, where the vote is really close ( i.e. 50.24% vs 49.76% ), it reinforces that everyone’s vote is important and I strongly encourage voting in all elections big and small.
I found it interesting that my support cuts across political boundaries. I will take this time to ask for your financial support to help me retire some of the debt I incurred during the campaign. Below are three links to show your support, you can choose which party below you most identify with while making a donation.
Donation Links
Republican Independent/Green Democrat
No matter what which party you identify with the most, I believe we all stand for transparent, respectful and responsible governments. Thank you very much for your emotional, moral and financial support. I am proud of the manner in which I conducted my campaign and I appreciate all the support that you have shown me.
I encourage people to be engaged, informed, speak up and most importantly vote. That is the only real way we can make the future better than the past. I wish the new City Council and Blue Ash a safe and happy holidays.
Best Wishes
Rober R. Ryan
Former Blue Ash City Council Member